Stephen Kastner

Stephen Kastner

Stephen Kastner writes essays, science fiction, memoir, poetry, and is currently working on a screenplay and novel about his Quaker ancestor Thomas Maule, who was arrested for defending the wise women accused of witchcraft in Salem in 1692. He leads the Green Mountain Writers Group in Vermont and creates digital media professionally as DesignWise Studios. Follow his Antediluvian Attitudes on Substack:

Tarot, a Cure for Writer’s Block?

Carl Jung on Tarot

The term writer’s block was first coined in New York City in 1947 by Edmund Bergler, a well-known disciple of Sigmund Freud. Bergler, an Austrian psychiatrist called writer’s block a form of “psychic masochism, the unconscious wish to defeat one’s…

1st Annual Vermont Poetry Festival

Poetry & Performance book by Green Mountain Writers

When: Apr 30, 2023, 10 AM to 4 PMWhere: Historic District 5 Schoolhouse, 32 Pleasant Valley Road, Underhill, VT The Green Mountain Writers Group (GMWG) will host the 1st Annual Vermont Poetry Festival in Underhill Center at the Historic District…