Stephen Kastner

Stephen Kastner

Stephen Kastner writes essays, science fiction, memoir, poetry, and is currently working on a screenplay and novel about his Quaker ancestor Thomas Maule, who was arrested for defending the wise women accused of witchcraft in Salem in 1692. He leads the Green Mountain Writers Group in Vermont and creates digital media professionally as DesignWise Studios. Follow his Antediluvian Attitudes on Substack:

Freewriting and Low Stakes Writing

Freewriting and Low Stakes Writing

Peter Elbow is a professor of English Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Amherst… where he also directed the Writing Program from 1996 until 2000. He writes about theory, practice, and pedagogy, and has authored several books and papers. He…

Achieving Flow State for Optimal Writing

Achieving Flow State for Optimal Writing

All writers strive for those magical moments when the words seems to flow effortlessly from mind to page, when one loses track of time and enters a trance-like state of creative focus. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi coined the term “flow state”…

Substack, a Self-Publishing Alternative


Substack is a subscription newsletter service popular among independent journalists and writers. Launched in 2017, this free, email newsletter publishing platform may earn money for authors by helping them turn their subscribers into paying customers. Integrating Stripe, and a website…

2nd Annual Vermont Poetry Festival

Jodi Girouard and Garret White at Green Mountain Writers Group's 2nd Annual Vermont Poetry Festival

The Green Mountain Writers Group celebrated National Poetry Month on April 20, 2024. We enjoyed the opportunity to meet in person at Underhill Center’s historic District No. 5 Schoolhouse on a special day dedicated to poets and fans of poetry At 10 AM, we…

When AI Comes a-Knockin’

When AI Knocks at your Door Green Mountain Writers

…it’s “Katy Bar the Door!” The Fear Factor is more than an old Joe Rogan series, it’s also a book by Abigail Marsh who studied the brains of both psychopathic children and extreme altruists and found that the answer lies…